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Seeking AdviceViews: 183
May 23, 2006 7:13 pm re: re: re: Seeking Advice

Reg Charie

Guy, if you want to achieve top listings in the major search engines you are going to have to work on your SEO. (Search Engine Optimization)

The title tag is not bad but both the keyword and description tags need work.

Look at your source code.
The first thing that the search engines see is the top banner which has no content.
Then they read the navigation bar which does not contain your keywords.

When they get to the text, they read the left column first and in this the first important heading is "News"  when it should be "Telemarketing Software".

When switching to different pages, your meta tags remain the same. Consider targeting the title, keywords, and descriptions to the page.

Who is your target market?
It seems that TMS could be targeted at the small/medium telemarketer as well as large corporations but I cannot tell.

There is no "call to action" other than contact us in any of your pages.
There is no pricing information or indications of how easy or hard it is to setup the software.
Given the technology available for conferencing, does training have to be on location at your facilities?

In your contact form you give 3 options for the product, Enterprise, Standard, and iTMS, but your site does not explain the features/differences of each.

Your "About Us" page is quite generic and does not tell much "about" you.
It also only deals with the UK operations when on other pages you show you have a USA location.

One of the rotating testimonials is from Tim Steer of Supreme Creations, but that company is not in your client list.

Putting your email addresses "in the clear" is going to generate a lot of spam.

Since  it looks like you have, (or should have), a call center, consider putting a "Live Support" system on the site.

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