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Seeking AdviceViews: 196
May 22, 2006 5:38 pm re: Seeking Advice

Thomas Holford
> I am seeking advice on the Website I think it too wordy among other things.

I agree. The first page is too wordy, and the text througout the website is a bit too dense.

I would re-work the first page to focus on no more than seven high level bullets, in large type face, linked to more detailed second level pages.

I also think that your sales message focuses too much on the "feeds and speeds" (as we used to say in IBM).

I think your message would be stronger if you did the following:

A.) FOCUS ON THE VALUE PROPOSITION. IBM used to teach in their sales training program a technique they referred to as "FAR's", which was shorthand for "Feature, Advantage, Response". For a non-interactive environment, I would re-cast that as "Feature, Advantage, Benefit". For example, a "Feature" is a bell or a whistle that the TMS solution has, the "Advantage" is that it does something faster, better, cheaper than the existing solution. The "Benefit" is that it increases call success percent, or shorter time per call success, or larger average call order, or, whatever.

provide a tabular comparison of the key features of your product versus the key features of the main alternative solutions. Of course, your solution has to be a clear winner based on the feature criteria you shoose to display.

This will QUICKLY tell the interested shoppers a lot about the what and why of your product.

My experience in both marketing and shopping for software is that software is almost infinitely complex and differentiable, and software developers and vendors have an exasperating and ugly habit of inventing names and terms to describe their features that makes it impossible to compare with anything else.

The buyer NEEDS to be able to compare your software solution with alternatives. And even if your solution is not as objectively good as an alternative solution, the buyer may in the end prefer it if he has a clear idea of what it does, AND it does the important things that the more expensive big name software does.

Hope this helps.

Tom Holford

Private Reply to Thomas Holford (new win)

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