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Mar 02, 2006 12:38 am re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: NEED INVESTORS

>> Barry Caplan - Start Your Future Today
> i am very surprised you said what you did. firstgodaddy:
> i sell domain names cheaper than they do and they have gotten to be such arrogant assholes they are starting to loose their customer base

Personally I love godaddy. I sue other services too, ranging from free to ~ 30/year. Godaddy is fine for me.

And is price really the issue with everything? I mean, at 8.95 or less, per year, who really cares? I am sure godaddy is happy not to have to serve the free market - they seem to be after adding services and keeping the price stable.

> i used to have 125 domains with them and then they really po me to the point that i searched for something better

> their hosting is nothing to jump up and down about either.

Personally I run my own servers so I don't really know. It is a complex space, with a wide ariety of price poitns and service points. But like it or not, they are competition, and your business discussins should focus on why your customers will stick with you instead of them, their customers will switch to you, a 3rd party's customers will switch to you instead of them, and a non-customer will choose you over everyone else. That is all that matters really.

> it because they can get away with it and the average greenie out there doesn't know the difference.

yeah, but at the price point you are talking about, you are looking at the average greenie too. We sold a lot of coablt Raqs to "greenies", and from a marketing standpoint, I can tell you that if you address a problem and solve it, then people will go for you. And simple is where it is at.

> we give the customer more of a chance to make money than the 3.99 a month guys, but, i have a 3.00 a month website too. we also offer cheaper rates for annual subscriptions. a guy can buy a family tree website for 30.00 a year and he needs no special skills to run his site.

These are interesting niches, but how do you find the greenie hfamily tree guy? That is a huge hobby btw...I once did some work with Family Tree Maker or whatever it was called inteh mid-90s...I know geneology is huge online...do your web sites meet modern hobbyist standards? If not, then why not? If there were a hosted server for just that, I bet there is a market...

> we do many many things but one thing no one can do is get george w out of the whitehouse and most working men hate his stuoid dumbass guts because he screwed up that whole iraq thing. now a very large portion of the population is not nearly as free with their money as they once were.

Uh, I predict George W will be out in Jan 2009 no matter what happens in the next election - take it to the bank :)

Anyways, not to make it politcal, but I think the overall growth of low cost web hosting, measured by customers served, has continued to grow unabated during the era. Prices are dropping as the field becomes competitive, but don't tell me there is no growth there!

Maybe you could maerket your sites as for the "workingmen who hate bush" group...could be an affinity worth exploring too...your sites are less then a t-shirt per month, and plenty of people will spend 12 bucks ona tshirt that expresses their political affinity! why not give them a site from the screw bush host, and when they are there 6 months or if they pay a year in advance, send them a damn tshirt that you make on demand at cafe press or whatever. Get that stuff rolling, then come back to me with a smile and a thank you when investors ears start to perk up.

Read the previous paragrpah very carefully. Record it and play it next to your pillow whenyou sleep for a month. It has solid advice, despite the price you paid for it.

> you have a very negative and fatalistic attitude when it comes to hosting. there is always room for us and we will always get our price one way or the other

Not true that I am fataliatic. Truth is, the prices will drop, peple without the finances will be squeezed, they will drop out or sell out, and there wil be a rollup. Before the rollup there will be a variety of price points available, after, less so, and then others will step into the vacant price points.

So yes people will be there, but when you ask for investment money, of which you still haven't explained what happens to 90% of it, you have to make a case why it will be *you* as opposed to the next guy. because, even if you are the one worth looking at (maybe you are for all I know).



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